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Challenges Magazine
Edition Fortunes de France du 8 Juillet 2021
MLOps : How DVC smartly manages your data sets for training your machine learning models on top of Git
What are we talking about? DVC is a MLOps tool that works on top of Git repositories and has a similar command line interface and workflow to Git. It is designed to tackle the challenge of data sets traceability and reproducibility when training data-driven models.
MLOps : Why data and model experiment tracking is important ? How tools like DVC and MLflow can solve this challenge ?
A set of new challenges arose for building reliable and stable information systems that rely on imperfect data-driven models, such as model versioning, deployment, monitoring, explainability and reproducibility.
Diversity and Deep Forest theory : Applying an important concept to a promising framework
Nowadays, diversity is the holy grail of model accuracy: deep forest is a promising framework based on deep learning layers but without neurons and back propagation. The revolutionary deep forest frameworks enable the introduction of diversity as the tip of the iceberg.
Discover our new offices !
Day by day, and since 2018, LittleBigCode is growing. As we welcome more and more talent, we have decided to move and expand our premises. Discover the pictures of our new offices located in the heart of Neuilly-sur-Seine. All new and beautiful. 240M² of space,...
Natural Language Processing in the fight against COVID-19
The challenge is twofold: to find a treatment but also to limit the spread of the epidemic. What role could the NLP have played in the development of a treatment ? How did it limit the negative consequences of the pandemic ? How was it used to estimate the impact of the crisis ?
How to deploy your API templates with Flask Web Service
It’s important to proceed in stages. First, the data are explored and then the appropriate model and pre-processing are chosen. Then you train and test until you reach the desired performance. And finally, we deploy the model in order to use it from a website or an application…
Toutes nos vidéos
IACPS #4 - Construire facilement son propre assistant GPT ?
IACPS #3 - Cet algo décrit précisément des images : Inverser Stable Diffusion
IACPS #2 - ChatGPT, qu'est-ce que tu caches sous ton capot ?
IACPS #1 - DALL-E, dessine-moi un mouton : la génération d'image expliquée en 10min
LabTechDay 1st Edition 2022 | Aftermovie
Rencontre avec Charles & Romain, fondateurs de LittleBigCode
Découvrez LittleBigCode : rencontre avec Sophie (ML Engineer) et Meriem (Data Scientist) !
Découvrez LittleBigCode : rencontre avec Alexandra, Data Scientist !
Découvrez LittleBigCode : rencontre avec Stéphane (Data Scientist) et Ken (Data Engineer) !
Découvrez LittleBigCode : rencontre avec Elodie et Jamila, Data Scientist !
Découvrez LittleBigCode : rencontre avec Arthur et Guillaume, Data Scientist !
LittleBigCode - AI Solution Creator (FILM 2021)
ANNONCE - LittleBigCode renouvelle son identité graphique !
Rencontre avec Charles, CEO et co-fondateur de LittleBigCode
Rencontre avec Aurélie, Head of HR de LittleBigCode
Rencontre avec Stéphane, Data Scientist chez LittleBigCode
Rencontre avec Quentin, Data Scientist chez LittleBigCode
Rencontre avec Ken, Data Engineer chez LittleBigCode
LITTLEBIGCODE - Charles Armataffet - BFM TV (Objectif Croissance)